Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boredom is a State of Mind

Nothing gets my dander up more than hearing the words "It's boring here" coming from the mouth of a young child.

This house is abuzz with kids, activity, toys, games, computer access, movies ... "Boring was a word that was never used." is a quote from my Mom, as she spoke of her childhood. I must have been raised that way, because I feel exactly the same.

As long as one has the ability to have and use your imagination, you should never be bored unless you make a conscious decision to do so.

One of my kids invented his own little game for himself over the weekend. His dad bought him a big set of dice, and this little 4 year old came home and devised a game. He used some toys he already had and the markings on the kitchen floor. He threw the dice, counted the dots and moved his toys across the floor.

In a day and age where kids have technology at there hands and toys that do things and entertainment all around them, the simplicity of games invented with their creative and wide open minds is becoming a lost art.

Of all the toys I have around here, the lego/duplo blocks and the sandbox are the most utilized. They are a new toy every day. The other toys, used with new ideas and imaginations also provide entertainment.

But when the kids sit and say they are bored so easily ... it makes me wonder if we have gone too far in providing entertaining toys for our children. It isn't excessive 'stuff' that keeps one stimulated. It is one's mind and an imagination that provide hours busying one's mind.

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