Saturday, January 31, 2009

A New Family - Day 5

The first week is behind us. There have been some moments that have been frustrating along the journey to Friday, but all in all I think the week went well.

It's understandably frustrating for child and care giver alike, when it comes to adapting to change. As we both had our moments where we were out-stubborning each other, it felt like the moment could go on forever. But they never do. I am consistent in what I expect and in the end, I think that wins out. What is wrong one day, will still be wrong the next day. I keep telling the kids "... even if I can't see you, it is still a rule ... the rules never change ...". They must get tired of my phrases. I use them consistently. I never change either!

Our newest addition is adapting to her new surroundings. When the day starts well, with no crying at the morning drop off (and 4 out of 5 days did), it helps to set the tone for the day. When the personalities mesh well with the other kids (and hers did, right from the start), that is another huge barrier we don't have to overcome. When the basics (eating and sleeping) are good, this is great. It is just a matter of learning the expectations and that is just a matter of time and consistency.

I got a very good feeling right from the beginning when I spoke to this mom on the phone and then met her. It helped that she was referred to me by people she trusted (her brother and sister in law), it helped that I knew and enjoyed the family that referred me to her. We were off to a good running start. Feeling a connection with the parents is the best launching pad for a new family.

And so begins the next leg of our journey in knowing each other. Every working day until further notice. Reality.

P.S. The 'milk struggle' of Day 4 was an absolute non-issue on Day 5. Success!

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