Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Family - Day 1

Well, our first day is behind us. I have a better idea what to expect today ... but one never knows for sure.

The drop off went very, very well. She was distracted by the toys and her mom left without causing any upheaval what so ever. This is good. But this morning will be a better indicator. This morning, she will know that her mom will be going for the day ...

It took about half an hour before she started looking out the window and going to the door, to look for her mom. Thankfully, my next arrival of the day came about this time so she was quickly distracted by the company of another child. Within the hour, she gave him a little bear hug. Friends.

Then ... her cousins arrived. Total change of behavior. The limits were now being tested; ground rules being set in place. I probably stayed in one place no more than 5 seconds after that point. It went quickly from one thing to the next to the next. I finally had to put her in a high chair while I made lunch. I simply couldn't be watching out for her while I was busy in the kitchen.

Her appetite was quite in line with that of someone who is here their first day. She was willing to try everything but was by no means acting ravenous. That is pretty normal for day #1 - between me not knowing their appetites, food preferences and eating patterns and them being unaccustomed to our lunch routines and eagerness to be playing verses eating ... the first day isn't normally too indicative of their regular eating habits.

More chaotic play-time before our much anticipated (by me) nap/quiet time. As this new little one had proven to be quite a monkey and had an eye for getting into things, I wasn't too keen on the idea of her sleeping in my room. Although I have a playpen set up in there, I was pretty certain that she had the ability to get out if she wanted to. Thankfully ... she didn't.

I have never, ever had such an easy time of laying someone down for a nap! I laid her down, snuggled her into the blanket, said my good-night ... and it was as simple as that. She didn't move a muscle. She went straight to sleep and slept ... and slept ... and slept. When she did wake up, she was happy, rested and not at all ill at ease to be in new surroundings. Not only that, but it happened to be a day when everyone else left early. So she was on her own, the last half hour of her day. And it went very well.

No matter how much that I know the first day is always full of us learning the ropes, I always seem to be surprised by the different 'ropes' in each different case. Some first days make you want to run for the hills. Others, like this one are a reminder of how far that we've come since the last 'first day' for the last new child that started with us.

As my son uttered in exasperation this morning "She'll never learn ...", I immediately (and honestly) replied "Yes, she will." It really doesn't take very long in the whole scheme of things. And I have a house full of helpers, as the kids that were here before her quickly help me teach the new ones the lay of the land here.

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