Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More on Infectious Attitudes

Another 'infection' I have noticed that spreads like wildfire around here is the attitudes about food. I have gone through various phases of picky eaters, voracious eaters, competitive eaters, social eaters, anti-eaters (they hated everything) ... you name it, I think I've seen it.

At one time, I had a majority of eaters that were willing to try anything for a while. They enjoyed a lot of what they tried and lunch time was actually a little fun as we tried out various menus. The more they enjoyed what they ate, the more the rest of them were willing to try out new things. It was a very enjoyable 'infection'.

At the moment, I have a lot of fussy eaters. It seems that one person will create an 'attitude' about a certain food and everyone at the table will follow suit. It is most frustrating. In trying to create different lunch menus with this picky crowd, my options are slimming. I like to make a lunch where the kids can fill up on one thing if they don't like another. Lately it seems, the fruit is the biggest hit. And you really don't fill up on fruit if you haven't had a few other options from the other food groups.

It makes lunch time an adventure anyway ...

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