Thursday, November 20, 2008

Parent/Daycare Interviews

I have just returned from my son's parent/student/teacher conference tonight and I couldn't help but think how such a conference could serve a purpose in the daycare world.

My son has come home with different challenges and issues this year and I admit that I walked into the interview with less than a positive feeling. But after listening to his teacher talk with him and how she described what she is seeing from her vantage point, it put an entirely different spin on things for me.

I would be foolish to think that the kids that I watch over don't tell their parents what happens in our day. And how does it sound, when I am so often frustrated with our days??

As my parents drop off and pick up their kids, we have a chance to briefly chat about things here. It is a chaotic time at times and having kids demanding their parent's attention, other kids around and vying for attention as well, this isn't the most conducive atmosphere for conversation. To set aside a time for quiet conversation with my parents sounds like an excellent way to keep everyone up to speed on what is happening on all fronts.

As I berated myself for my harsh judgement of a teacher that I had never met, I realized that my parents could feel the same way about me. I am working for and with them, in raising their children. We really should feel like a team.

I should really try to find a way to make the time for the parents to come in and talk with me. Keeping the lines of communication open is vital. If we aren't working together on this, are we working against each other?

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